our team

"Just as the body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ." - 1 Corinthians 12:1

Listed below are the teams that help make the Kingdom work at Mt. Herman possible!

  • Stewards

    The stewards are appointed by the pastor. They are members in good standing accountable for the care of the people. Specific duties are listed in The Doctrine and Discipline of the A.M.E. Church.

  • Trustees

    The trustees are elected by the members. They are members in good standing accountable for the care of the property. Specific duties are listed in The Doctrine and Discipline of the A.M.E. Church.

  • Finance Committee

    The finance committee is a compliment of the stewards and trustees with the responsibility of receiving and disbursing funds. They are to maintain accurate records of income and expenses.